Your Expert Email Marketing Agency

Level up the quality of your email list and the content it produces. Engage your customers and increase your leads and sales. Let's create a long-lasting connection between your brand and its consumer base through effective Email marketing.

Increase Your Conversions With Efficient Email Marketing Strategies

Isn’t email marketing dead? Absolutely not. Email marketing is as important today as it was twenty years ago and an effective email marketing plan could be the difference between 10 sales and 1,000 sales.

Your email list is easily your business’s most important asset and should be treated as the number one tool when it comes to converting awareness into sales and working even further down the funnel to build brand advocacy. 

Email marketing plans should be designed and optimized to touch every stage of the funnel and beyond in order to maximize results and ROI.

Your email list needs to be carefully managed in order to achieve the results you desire. It’s built for more than just sending out weekly ads and new deals, it’s designed to build relationships and inform customers about the benefits of doing business with your company. It gives you the opportunity to build lifetime value with customers while also keeping them engaged with each new product or service you have to offer.

We’ve seen clients’ sale volume go up by as much as 350% by nurturing and developing their email marketing campaigns. It’s truly amazing how much your business could benefit from an effective email marketing funnel.

Your weak email marketing is causing your list to shrink.

The average consumer receives over 200 marketing emails a day and over 80% will delete an email within 3 seconds.

That’s why we offer effective email marketing services to grow your list, optimize its performance, and increase sales over and over again. We optimize your list for every stage of the funnel from lead sign-ups to long-term brand affiliation.

We measure email marketing campaign success by paying close attention to your open rate, conversions, and unsubscribes. All our decisions are data-driven as we are obsessed with producing the highest results for our customers.

We constantly monitor the progress of these campaigns and adjust them to ensure they produce the best results.

Create converting campaigns, build trust, and have your customers wanting to read all your emails.

Let SimpleExposure convert your customers and manage your campaigns. Request your free digital marketing review

Our Core Email Marketing Process

Email marketing is one of our greatest strengths and when you let us take over your email marketing, we produce impressive results. From creating campaigns for awareness to bringing back repeat customers, we’re the agency that can get it done. 

We create, manage, and pay close attention to every email campaign to ensure they match your brand and business objectives. Our email marketing campaigns are aimed to move your subscribers down the funnel and convert them into customers.

We design and manage your email marketing campaigns to produce the best possible ROI your company could achieve.

Email Marketing Strategy Conception & Planning

We create an effective email strategy for your business to help reach its goals and build its brand. We study your industry to understand what your customers are looking for and then build a high-quality email list that you can blast with valuable information from your business. 

Email Automation: Build, Execution, & Design

We build out an automated email system to help move your customers down the sales funnel into conversions. From new leads to returning customers, we’ll have a well-crafted campaign to convert your prospects and maximize your ROI.

Email Design & Creation

Email design is a specialty of ours. We design all your business’s email campaigns as well as promotional campaigns to get your business the highest possible open and click-through rates. Successful email campaigns start with the design.

Monitoring Campaign Success

Our goal is for your business to achieve the best possible results from our email marketing. We pay close attention to important metrics like open rate, click-through rate, responses, and unsubscribes to ensure your campaigns are optimized to produce their best performance. We also track and report the results so you have an idea of how well your email campaigns are performing. 

Our Initial Process

1. Request a Free Marketing Review

2. We Complete a Website and Marketing Audit for Your Business

3. We Send You an Email With Free Tips To Improve Your Marketing

4. Your Online Presence Improves!

Included in the email will be a link to schedule a free consultancy call with one of our marketing specialists who will be happy to discuss your business goals. If you decide to partner with us, we’ll create a 12-month marketing plan for your business with quarterly milestones to help maximize both your growth and digital performance.

Simple Exposure Digital Marketing

We Help Average Businesses Become Great.

We are your long-term growth partner focused on building your company one step at a time. We believe each stem of a brand’s online identity builds into its overall picture. 

Email marketing takes a strategic and accurate thought process to go from good to great. SimpleExposure is a digital marketing agency that understands how to build meaningful relationships with your customers and produce results. 

Let us be in charge of your digital marketing campaigns and watch the numbers grow!

Request a free digital marketing and website review here


An Email Marketing Agency That Has Your Back.

We put a lot of focus into building trust and long-term relationships with our partners. Let us create and manage your email marketing campaigns and watch your customer base improve for years to come.

Commonly Asked Questions

Accordion Content

A fully functional automated email system can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. There are many factors that go into developing a successful automated email system.

  • Planning & Strategy
  • Your Email Service Provider and Setup
  • Email List Management
  • Email Template Design
  • Automation Workflow Creation
  • Testing and Optimization
  • Launch and Monitoring
A high-quality automated email system can take a lot of work and be quite confusing at times. Let an experienced agency like us create one for you by booking a free marketing review now

Email marketing is one of the most effective tools your business can implement when it comes to positioning your messaging in front of consumers. Its a cost-effective, personalized communication base you can use to reach a wide audience of people interested in your business. You can use emails to build consumer relationships that help move them down the sales funnel into conversions. The best part of email marketing is that you can track your campaigns and measure the metrics to see how you can improve their future performance. Email marketing is as effective today as it was twenty years ago.

Our talented email specialists will create a email marketing strategy for your business, design the content, and manage your campaigns to produce the best possible results. They’ll deliver you monthly transparent reports that make it easy for you to understand how we’re maximizing the results for your business. We continue working on your email campaigns consistently, its not just a create and ignore process with an agency like us.

We build successful email lists in a few different ways. We first use data to find customers who would be interested in a business like yours. We then create a quality landing page to route your customers to. We also create optimized opt-in offers that your traffic won’t be able to resist signing up for. These are just a few strategies we use to create high converting email lists. 

Contact us today to find out how we can optimize your business’s email campaigns. 

Are You A Business That Needs Help With Its Email Marketing?

Let our digital marketing team help. 

Request your free review and our digital marketing team will send over a 10-minute video reviewing your online presence and website.

Let’s take your business to the next level.