Result-Driven Microsoft Ads Management

Improve the quality of traffic to your website and cut out wasted ad spend with our world-class Microsoft Ads Management Services, built to provide the best return on your investment.

Microsoft Ads Management To Expand Your Business

Microsoft Ads is another channel to access if your campaigns are already optimized on other search engines like Google. Microsoft search engines have over 1.1 billion active users every month giving you access to customers you couldn’t reach before. Ranking at the top of Microsoft search engines gives you an opportunity to improve your CTR (click-through rate) as well as traffic, lead, and sale volume.

Our Microsoft Ads Management service takes care of all the heavy lifting like campaign development, copy and ad creation, PPC management tracking, optimization and reporting, and landing page development. We aim to improve the performance of your campaign constantly with a goal for your business to get the maximum results on every dollar it spends.

Bing, Yahoo, and AOL are search engines we consider ourselves experts in and can help you reach your precise target audience and convince them to buy from your business.

Our Microsoft Ads Management strategy follows this plan of action:

1. Discover & Strategy: We work with your business to understand its target market and marketing goals. After defining these areas, we then develop a Microsoft Ads strategy to produce the best possible results for your business and its PPC campaigns.

2. Landing Page Development:  We understand that an Ad is only as good as the landing page it’s directed to. We fully optimize and design the landing page to ensure your customers feel that your company is one they can do business with.

3. Ad Performance Optimization: We ensure your ads speak your brand’s messaging and are optimized to produce the best possible results.

4. Campaign Monitoring & Adjustments: We monitor and track your campaigns to ensure they are maximizing every dollar you spend. If we see opportunities to increase their performance, we make adjustments to the campaign to improve the results.

5. Reporting & Analysis: We provide regular reports to help you understand how your campaigns are performing and what we can do to improve them.

Let us handle your Microsoft Ads campaigns and watch your business hit its goals and produce incredible results. Request a free digital marketing review

Fixed Management Fee Guarantee

Instead of charging a percentage fee that will eat up a nice chunk of your business’s monthly Microsoft Ads advertising budget, we charge a flat-rate management fee to handle all your PPC campaigns. This gives you an opportunity to spend more instead of deciding you don’t want to increase your budget because you’ll have to pay us an additional 10%.

At SimpleExposure, we believe in producing the best possible results for our clients to build long-lasting beneficial partnerships. For us to succeed in that, we need to be a team player that understands how to help grow your business and maximize your return.

Let us optimize your Microsoft Ads campaigns and become a part of the SimpleExposure family.

What Causes Our Microsoft Ads Management To Work?

Our talented team of PPC managers have spent years creating Microsoft Ads campaigns that produce incredible results. Our goal is to maximize your business’s ROI and increase your traffic, lead, and sale volume. 

When you become one of our clients, we assign you one of our world-class Microsoft Ads managers to take over your marketing campaigns on Microsoft-owned search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and MSN. We optimize your campaigns to not only get great traffic but the best possible customers who are interested in purchasing from a business like yours.

Microsoft Ads Campaign Auditing

We start our process by completing an audit of your current Microsoft Ads campaigns to find opportunities where we can optimize your performance. If you don’t already have campaigns don’t worry, we’ll develop a strategy on implementing this channel into your business’s advertising.

Microsoft Ads Strategy Development

We complete an in-depth analysis of your industry and design a result-producing Microsoft Ads marketing strategy to increase your paid traffic volume and conversion rate. Our goal is to maximize your ROI.

Landing Page Development

A business’s Microsoft Ads campaign is only as effective as the landing page it directs to. We create a high-converting landing page to route all your traffic to so you can turn those visitors into sales.

Campaign Management

From launch day forward, we manage all your Microsoft Ads campaigns and continuously optimize them to produce the best possible results. Ads get old and customers get tired of seeing them, it’s important to keep your brand image fresh with campaigns that also crush your goals.

Ad Design & Creation

We’re known for creating high-level content that converts your visitors into sales. We design all the content for your campaigns in-house so we can ensure they produce the best possible results. We are constantly monitoring the metrics of each ad and will improve them based on performance.

Tracking & Reporting

After your campaigns are up and running, we track and report the results in an easy-to-understand chart so you know exactly how your campaigns are performing. Based on the results, we complete an analysis of how we can further optimize your Ads.

Our Initial Process

1. Request a Free Marketing Review

2. We Complete a Website and Marketing Audit for Your Business

3. We Send You an Email With Free Tips To Improve Your Marketing

4. Your Online Presence Improves!

Included in the email will be a link to schedule a free consultancy call with one of our marketing specialists who will be happy to discuss your business goals. If you decide to partner with us, we’ll create a 12-month marketing plan for your business with quarterly milestones to help maximize both your growth and digital performance.

Simple Exposure Digital Marketing

We Help Average Businesses Become Great.

We are your long-term growth partner focused on building your company one step at a time. We believe each stem of a brand’s online identity builds into its overall picture. 

Email marketing takes a strategic and accurate thought process to go from good to great. SimpleExposure is a digital marketing agency that understands how to build meaningful relationships with your customers and produce results. 

Let us be in charge of your digital marketing campaigns and watch the numbers grow!

Request a free digital marketing and website review here


A Microsoft Ads Management Agency That Has Your Back.

We put a lot of focus into building trust and long-term relationships with our partners. We’re not the kind of agency to leave you in the dark, we keep you informed each step of the journey. Let’s work together to build a successful business.

Commonly Asked Questions

Accordion Content

Around 1.1 billion people use Microsoft search engines every month making it an excellent place to advertise your business and find new customers. The reporting tools Microsoft provides are precise allowing you to target and remarket at very successful rates, maximizing your conversions and ROI.

There are many benefits to advertising your business on Microsoft search engines, here are a few:

1. A wider audience reach

2. AI-driven insights

3. Ad format variety

4. Lower competition than platforms like Google and Meta

5. Integration with Microsoft products like Microsoft Audience Network and LinkedIn

6. Excellent remarketing capabilities

7. Offline conversion tracking

8. Ad schedule control

9. Transparent reporting

These are a few reasons why Microsoft Ads might be a game-changing decision for your business. Let a world-class agency develop and manage your Microsoft Ads campaigns today by requesting a free marketing review

Our world-class SEO specialist will provide you with an in-depth, transparent monthly report for you to analyze how we’re optimizing your campaigns and producing the best possible results for your business. We track precise metrics like impressions, clicks, visitors, leads, conversions, and more to determine how your campaigns are performing. We then optimize your campaigns to crush your business goals and maximize your ROI.

We charge a flat monthly fee for our Microsoft Ads management services instead of taking a chunk of your revenue by charging a percentage like other agencies. Our goal is to be a long-term advertising partner that brings your business the best possible results and we can’t do that if we’re eating up your advertising budget. Our goal is to provide you with an easy beneficial service.

Are You Business That Needs Help With Its Microsoft Ads Performance?

Let our digital marketing team help. 

Request your free review and our digital marketing team will send over a 10-minute video reviewing your online presence and website.

Let’s take your business to the next level.